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Can Hypertensive patients be able to run?


 Most marathons have such a requirement when signing up: Patients with hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases should not participate in the competition. In other words, hypertensive patients are not recommended to participate in the marathon. But can Hypertensive patients run?
Do hypertensive patients not suggest that running a marathon equals to not running?
Hypertensive patients are not well suited for a long and intense exercise such as marathon, but as long as the intensity is reasonable, scientific exercise and running are also an important way to prevent hypertension.
1.    Reasonable running can reduce blood pressure
Blood pressure does increase during running, but running slowly at a slower speed does not increase to a dangerous level. More importantly, after the end of exercise, blood pressure also returned to a lower level than before exercise, that is, running has obvious effect of reducing blood pressure. Studies have shown that exercise can reduce blood pressure at rest and reduce the systolic blood pressure by about 10-15 mmHg and reduce the diastolic blood pressure by about 4-9 mmHg. The blood pressure lowering effect can be maintained for 10~22 hours at a time of more than 10 minutes low intensity exercise. Therefore, running, like other sports, has an obvious effect on lowering blood pressure and is an important non drug treatment for hypertension.
2. Running can relax tension and help Depressurization
Running can improve depression, anxiety and other bad emotions, relieve mental stress and so on, so as to prevent the occurrence of hypertension and reduce high blood pressure.
3. Running can lose weight and help to depressurization

Obesity is also an important risk factor for hypertension. Obesity, hyperlipidemia, high blood sugar and high blood pressure sometimes accumulate in one person, and cause serious damage to the human body. The professional term is called "metabolic syndrome". Running can play a role in the above four kinds of abnormal metabolism. Therefore, it can be said that exercise is a good doctor and running is a doctor.

How do the hypertensive people run correctly?
Patients with hypertension should run reasonably and scientifically. Through running, it helps to reduce blood pressure, improve physical health and improve the quality of life. Moderate and low intensity running is more conducive to lower blood pressure, while high intensity and long running is still relatively risky for hypertensive patients.
1. In compliance with the doctor's advice, exercise combined with drugs
Running does have a clear depressurization effect, but it can't be reversed. The doctor's prescription is the basis for the treatment of hypertension. Running mainly plays a role in helping to reduce blood pressure. Or, exercise combined with drugs can reduce the dosage of the drug. As to how to reduce, you should follow the doctor's advice.

2. The intensity of running is not too high
Middle and low intensity running exercises can lower blood pressure with more safety. How to judge whether it is middle and low intensity running? ①Objective index: the heart rate in exercise can be controlled around 50% of the reserve heart rate. The calculation method is: (the maximum heart rate - quiet heart rate) × 50% + quiet heart rate, and can also be approximated with a simpler 170 - age. ②Subjective feeling: faster heartbeat breathing in exercise, the body is sweating slightly, yourself feels a little tired but bearable, can talk to people when running; ③within 10 minutes after rest, the heart rate can be basically restored to normal.

3. Choose reasonable exercise time
Morning blood pressure is often at a relatively high level in hypertensive patients, and the high incidence of cardiovascular events in the morning. Therefore, people with high blood pressure are more suitable for afternoon or evening exercise.

4. The Amount of Running Should be Gradual
People with high blood pressure who do not have sports experience start with a fast start or a combination of running and running. You can run 3~4 times a week, a 20~30 minute run. It is not recommended for patients with hypertension to run long and long distances.

5. Control Blood Pressure before Run
When quiet blood pressure is not well controlled, or patients with quiet blood pressure of more than 180/110mmHg do not recommend running, if with dizziness, headache and other performance, it is not recommended to run. People with high blood pressure are advised to consult a doctor before running, and then run after effective blood pressure control.

6. Check Blood Pressure Regularly
If the blood pressure does not descend during the regular running and taking medicine, it is suggested to stop, and to consult the doctor in time. At the same time, pay attention to the cultivation of good diet and living habits. 

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